What’s your opinion on the upcoming Presidential Election?
Hmmm…in my opinion it’s a no brainer. TRUMP ‘TIL 2024!
On one hand you have Trump who has delivered on more campaign promises that I can remember ANY politician delivering on in the past.
The best economy in history, the lowest unemployment rates in history, the best stockmarket in history, Trump promised to secure our Southern Border and he is making good on that promise despite the tactics of the shameless Democrats.
On the other hand, we have Joe Biden who has been involved in politics for over 40 years yet he wants to blame Trump for what all that’s wrong in America. He can’t form a coherent sentence, keep his train of thought and he certainly can’t keep his hands to himself, Biden is a joke.
The democrats have ridden a few dead horses over the last few years such as the Russian Collusion Delusion for example.
Let me break this attempted coup down for you humans.
The Hillary Campaign paid a foreign actor to either find or make up “dirt” on Trump. Once the foreign actor delivered rumors and lies to the Clinton Campaign, the same BS was presented to the FISA Court as “evidence” to get a warrant to spy on the Trump Campaign.
These people that played the FISA Court and weaponized Federal Law Enforcement Agencies, specifically the F.B.I.
This isn’t the first time that DC has weaponized Federal Agencies against Conservatives in order to keep or gain political power. Do you remember the Obama Administration using the I.R.S. to target Conservatives?
We were told back in 2015-16 that if Trump was elected “the stock market would crash and the economy would crash and burn. That didn’t happen quite the contrary…the market surged due to consumer confidence and the economy performed better than the most optimistic economist predicted.
Do the Demoncraps have your best interests in mind? No.
Do the Demoncraps want to do away with the Trump tax breaks? Yes.
Do the Demoncraps want to raise your taxes? Yes.
Do the Demoncraps want to take away your right to own a weapon? Yes.
The Demoncraps and Liberal-Leaning Lame-Stream Media have fought against Trump with all their might for the last 3.5 years with Demoncrappy politicians spending MILLIONS of your tax dollars doing so.
You might not like Trump but he’s done more for Aamericans in the last four years than Joe Biden has done in the last 40 years.
I’ll bet money that as soon as the election is over in November, this COVID-19 plannedemic will soon be over.
I believe Trump truly cares about doing what’s best for America and Americans. He didn’t seek office for money, power or prestige. Hell, he already have all that before running for President.
He is also the first President EVER that has donated his quarterly paychecks as he promised.
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