It’s difficult for me to understand how humans, that supposedly place great value on life, can support the killing of the unborn when the mother “chooses” to do so usually because the unborn child is typically seen as an inconvenience or just not wanted. I view that much like just throwing out the trash, in a sense. Sad isn’t it?
Why is it when the mother chooses to kill the unborn child it’s called “choice” and considered legal, because the “pro-death” folks claim that the unborn child is not a human life until after birth?
However, if another human chooses to drive while intoxicated and causes a head-on collision resulting in the death of a mother and her unborn child, the idiot that chose to drive drunk faces two counts of vehicular manslaughter?
What I mean is…
Either the unborn child is a human life while still in the womb or it’s not. So which is it?
I think abortion should be a medical option, provided certain criteria are met. I do not think abortion should simply be a reactionary form of birth control after the fact. You humans have multiple proactive birth control measures that can be taken to prevent conception.
I wish you humans would “choose” not to kill your unborn children and instead take measures to not conceive when a baby is not desired.
Humans are creatures of “choice” and “freewill” and that ability was given to you by your Creator. I just wish you folks would make the right choices.
Human males?
If you get a female pregnant, be a man and own it. There is a difference between being a “Baby Daddy” AKA a sperm donor and being a father. Any punk can be a sperm donor but only a real man can be a father.
Fatherless children are one of the main problems with today’s society. The violence, disrespect and devaluation of human life.
Yet you humans argue over having the legal ability to kill the most innocent lives around. The unborn child.
Often times the same people that want the legal right to be able to kill the unborn want grown adults to give up their weapons in hopes of security and eliminating murders. Ironic, isn’t it?
Benjamin Franklin once said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
So don’t speak to me about safety, love for your fellow man, security or the likes if you support abortion as a reactionary birth control method.
We can’t legislate away evil, if we could we would have done so already. What you pro-choice humans need to do, is to start making better choices. Stop being so hypocritical demanding everyone give up their right to own a weapon while you yourselves demand the right to take the life of an unborn child.
Choices have consequences.
•Choosing to speed on the roadway
•Choosing to drive intoxicated
•Choosing to text and drive
•Choosing to spread rumors
•Choosing to lie
•Choosing to disobey God
They all have consequences, some of which are more severe than others, such as the last one.
Something else I’ve noticed is that many of you humans seem to place more value on the lives and the humane treatment of cats, dogs, livestock and wildgame than you do your own unborn children.
I’m still trying to wrap my primate brain around that logic.
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