Dear Opine Monkey,
I am concerned about the fact that Lanier County Schools sent students home because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but expected teachers to return to school immediately, without distancing direction or assistance other than to empty their classrooms.

As I understand the situation from a teacher acquaintance, there was no information given to classified or non-classified staff to protect themselves as they followed administrative directives to empty their classrooms and close out school buildings.

I believe that no thought was given to possibly endangering teachers and other staff with their directive. Doesn’t the administration care whether or not school staff might be in danger?

I don’t dare raise this question directly as it has always seemed to me that to do so opens any related employee (friend or family member) to the possibility of being let go from work.

Concerned Citizen

Thanks for the question Concerned Citizen. I’m going to try and see both sides of this situation, so please don’t take my response personally.

So the way I understand your letter, staff and faculty were told to return to the school facilities to “empty out” the classrooms shortly after the system closed due to COVID (COrona VIrus Disease).

I wonder if the orders to empty out the classrooms were in preparation for sanitizing all school facilities. Then I started wondering if the staff and faculty were required to attempt to sanitize the facilities when in my opinion that would have been a job for professional cleaners. The humans with the right equipment, cleaners, experience and qualifications to GUARANTEE the sanitization was PROPERLY done.

However, if the facility is closed to all humans for 2-3 months would there even be a need to sanitize becuse according to the scientists, Coronavirus doesn’t survive long without a human host. So if the schools were closed for the summer months I don’t think any viruses would survive that long to pose a threat.

Now, if the Administration demanded that the faculty and staff return immediately after the facilities had been occupied by possibly infected staff and students without advising, warning or suggesting protective measures and they became infected as a result…well that might could be viewed as negligence and I would suggest consulting with a lawyer, but I’m not giving legal advice to anyone.

Hopefully, no one became infected during this time and legal action won’t be required.

I would strongly suggest that the Lanier County School Board, all school Administrators, Faculty and Staff get together and discuss future Standard Operating Procedures relating to such situations.

It’s this monkey’s opinion that COVID will be with us for a while, just like Flu and the Common Cold which is also caused by a Coronavirus.

While I think the virus is real, I also think that the media and politicians are using this outbreak for political purposes which reminds me of these three quotes from famous humans…

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”
-Rahm Emanuel (D)

“The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
-Ronald Reagan (R)

“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
-Benjamin Franklin

Personally, I suggest folks put their faith in God instead of the government.

Why? Well, because “Honest Politician” is a perfect example of an oxymoron.

Remember to wash your hands, keep your distance, cover your coughs and sneezes and stay safe all.

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