Dear Monkey,
What’s your opinion on time and what do you think time is? What is time?
Hmmm…now that’s a good question. Here’s another question in response. Does time exist?
The reason I ask that is because time isn’t tangible, you can’t see it, you can’t touch it, you can’t hold on to it, right?
Time is a precious thing to you humans here in the physical realm. It’s a very limited resource that each of you have. You can’t extend it, you can’t buy more of it you can only spend the amount that you have. It’s how you spend it that matters.
Some spend their time attempting to gain riches, riches that they usually end up spending trying to get more time to enjoy what they spent most of their time trying to attain… Riches.
Some of you spend a great deal of time trying to live like your neighbor. I think you humans call that practice “keeping up with the Joneses.”
Some humans spend their time simply trying to survive from day to day. Looking for that next meal, drink of water or place to sleep for the night. I’m not talking about those humans that make it a career of panhandling on street corners or Interstate Highway exits. You know the ones I’m talking about. Those holding signs stating that they will “Work for Food,” “Please Help” while they have the imprint of a $1,000 smart phone in their back pocket while they scam quite a few hundred dollars a day…BEGGING. Those are nothing but confidence men AKA Con Men not people in true need. That’s a whole other topic. Back to the topic at hand, time.
So what is time? Simply put, time is space, time is distance through space and space is time. Man has the ability to travel through space and if mankind had the ability to fly through space faster than 186,000 miles per second, we could in theory, travel 2,000 light years away from the Earth then stop and with a strong enough telescope we could look back at the Earth and see it during the time when Christ walked the Earth. If we continued our faster-than-light traveling for a few more thousand light years we could once again stop, look back and watch the Great Flood engulf the planet. Imagine that for a moment.
However, you humans and we primates are physical beings which are governed by the laws of physics.
When your time is up and you leave this physical realm for the spiritual realm, you will no longer be restricted by the laws of physics. Faster-than-light travel with most certainly be possible as a spiritual being not bound by the laws of physics. You might be able to cross the vastness of the universe in the proverbial blink of of an eye.
I’m not preaching any doctorine so please don’t take this column or any column I pen as such. I simply want to make you go “hmmmmm” and think about things that you typically wouldn’t think about.
Time is limited. My time is limited and I know it. So I try to make the best use of my remaining time as I hope each of you will also do.
Help the less fortunate but do it anonymously. Seek no praise or personal reward for helping anyone.
Your time is limited as well. Some of you reading this column might very well never get to read next week’s column or I may not have the opportunity to pen another column after this one is completed.
What is time?
Time is a precious commondity.
You won’t get any extra.
Spend it wisely.
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